Children’s Dog Face Paint Tutorial

Children’s Dog Face Paint Tutorial

This adorable dog Make-Up tutorial is a great way to bring plenty of fun to any kid’s party.

This quick and easy children’s face painting tutorial is perfect for adding the finishing touches to any kid’s fancy dress. The gorgeous brown and white colours with the black detail are perfect for finding their bark! Complete the costume with the dog all-in-one Fancy Dress Costume and they’re ready to party!

Finish the look with a Smiffys Fluffy Dog costume

Our easy to follow step by step videos will help you create the ultimate transformation.

Visit for more information on our face paints.

Smiffys Make-Up FX are professional standard face and body paints that are simple to apply and easy to remove. Non-toxic, hypoallergenic and complying with EU & FDA toy and cosmetic regulations you can be sure of a product that is safe and easy to use.
Our easy to follow step by step videos will help you create the ultimate transformation.

Make up Make up tutorial instructions

BLOG1Using the sponge applicator, paint light brown patch over eyes and continue under chin.

BLOG2Paint white triangle shape down centre of face, nose and a circle around the mouth. Use a thin brush to paint ‘fur’ lines out from the edge.

BLOG3Paint black rounded triangles over one eye. Paint eyebrows on and flare top part, paint end of nose black.

BLOG4Paint line down the centre of the top lip and create small triangle shape, paint top lip.Paint black dots on to lip area and add tongue. Also paint part of bottom lip.

BLOG5Fill in tongue with pink but leave a small white square which will act as a highlight. Paint black line down centre of tongue, paint around the white tongue highlight.

BLOG6Finally, add black lines spaced out around main white shape.

Make up Shop the look

White Face & Body Paint


Black Face & Body Paint


Brown Face & Body Paint


Sponges 3 pack


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